Tuesday, January 19, 2010

another little gory story from the ohio frontier

i don't remember every minute detail of this gut wrenching tale of the native american's brilliantly creative methods of putting their enemies to death...but here goes...

simon kenton and a group of settlers and frontiersmen in late 1700's kentucky used to patrol the ohio river in search of immigrants in distress, hostile natives and wounded survivors of indian attacks. sometimes what simon and his boys found was enough to produce sickening nightmares for years.

simon and his men carefully approached what seemed to be a sleeping shawnee guarding the scene of a massacre on the banks of the ohio river that day, but our boy, the master frontiersman simon kenton noticed that the sleeping indian didn't seem to be um, breathing...the man from virginia strode through a beach full of horribly mutilated bodies and pulled the dirty blanket from the motionless form it concealed.

what simon discovered is what was described by alan eckart "simple, but easy to deduce". the dead man had been raised above a two inch diameter stake with about eighteen inches of it protruding above the ground, then dropped in a way that the who length of the stake was driven right up his anus on into his intestines. supposedly the man kicked a quite a pile of dirt with his heels, indicating that he had taken a very long time to die...

another good reason to LISTEN when people tell you to stay the hell out of their houses...

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